Vol XIl, Issue 54 TNG/CWA Local 31041 Dec. 10, 2001

52 in Guild Take the Buyout
The colleagues who left
Below is a list of Guild-represented retirees who took the buyout, with their years of service at the Journal.

Ann Agostini, advertising sales, 22.9 years
Douglas Allan Jr., reporter, 37.8 years
Brian April, field sales manager, 24.7 years
Harold Barker, reporter, 36.8 years
Thomas Bunn, inside telephone sales, 34.8
Kathleen Burdick, promotion assistant, 40.4 years
Mary Cadoret, publications clerk, 9.4 years
Beth Campbell, inside telephone sales, 35.3 years
Ronald Cassinelli, reporter, 24.6 years
S. Robert Chiappinelli, reporter, 37.3 years
William K. Daby, photographer, 32.3 years
James Dalton, pre-pub specialist, 37.3 years
Robert B. Dick, reporter, 38.6 years
Edwin R. Duckworth, special writer, 38.9 years
Ruth Ferns, display counter sales, 8.8 years
Maria Fresilli, porter, 20.2 years
Ronald P. Furie, copy editor, 35.6 years
William K. Gale, section editor, 30 years
David T. Galloway, section editor, 28.7 years
Don Gray, creative services specialist, 43.6 years
Doane Hulick, special writer, 31.8 years
John Johnson, pre-pub operator, 31.8 years
Brian C. Jones, special writer, 35.4 years
Michael J. Kelly, photographer, 39.2 years
Alan Kerr, section editor, 22.3 years
William Lafferty, pre-pub specialist, 20.2 years
Armand LaRochelle, pre-pub specialist, 37.4 years
Claire LaRue, department assistant, 13 years
Patricia Lathrop, inside telephone sales, 27.5 years
Robert Lavallee, copy layout manager, 39.9 years
Robert Leddy, reporter, 35.4 years
Donna Lee, section editor, 19.4 years
Robert Lefebvre, pre-publishing specialist, 44.1 years
Francis Mancini, editorial writer, 15.5 years
Robert Maynard, porter, 34.6 years
Eleanor McCarthy, state staff office asst., 34.9 years
Gail McLellan, inside telephone sales, 27.6 years
Jonell Mehr, state staff office asst., 14.7 years
Robert Mello, reporter, 40 years
Charles Miller, pre-pub specialist, 37.6 years
Gerald Payette, pre-pub specialist, 43.4 years
Maria Pimental, porter, 13.4 years
Thomas Quigley, pre-pub specialist, 40.3 years
John Quirk, pre-pub specialist, 37.4 years
Randall Richard, section editor, 35.2 years
Robert Saulnier, pre-pub supervisor, 35.2 years
James Seavor, reporter, 41.6 years
Bonnie Stevenson, advertising salesperson, 34.3 years
Henriette Streker, research analyst, 24.3 years
Mayli Waterbury, advertising salesperson, 14.8 years
Joseph Williams, advertising salesperson, 38.1 years
James Wilson Jr., pre-pub specialist, 41 years
A total of 52 people represented by the Guild have accepted the company's buyout offer, taking away a collective 1,603 years of experience.

This exodus of talent leaves few people older than 60 at the Journal and guts the newspaper's institutional memory and knowledge base.

Of those who took buyouts, 30 worked in advertising and 22 in editorial. The average early retiree was aged 61 and had 31 years' experience. Some had worked for the Journal for more than 44 years.

In October, the Journal offered an early-retirement package to all employees aged 55 and older, including 79 people in the Guild bargaining unit. (Photographer Jimmy Molloy, who retired before the buyout offer was made, was also provided the same package retroactively; if you count Molloy the buyout was offered to 80 and had 53 takers.)

The package provided one month's pay for each month's employment up to 18 months. It did not include health insurance, requiring retirees to either rely on spouses' coverage or pay for health insurance under COBRA.

Despite the package's limitations, two-thirds of those eligible in the Guild took the buyout. They were joined by 42 non-Guild employees, including members of management who also opted for early retirement.

Coming at a time when employees of all ages have been leaving for other jobs, the high participation in the early retirement program was seen by many as the starkest evidence yet of plummeting morale and deepening malaise as Guild workers head toward their third year without a contract.

The retirement packages for Guild members will cost the company $3.5 million.

The buyout accelerates a brain drain that continues among younger workers, with more than 60 departing over the past couple of years.

Membership meeting tomorrow
Tuesday, Dec. 11, at noon
Guild office, 270 Westminster St.

Nominations will be taken December 11 to fill two vacancies on the Guild's executive committee caused by the early retirements of Thomas Bunn and Brian Jones. Two people, Thom Cahir and Anthony Caputo, have already been nominated. If more nominations are received, an election will be held.

Copyright © 2000 The Providence Newspaper Guild
TNG/CWA Local 31041
270 Westmister St., Providence, Rhode Island 02903
401-421-9466 | Fax: 401-421-9495